C. B. Daniel, MD, attended the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, Tennessee, and received his medical degree in 1973. Then, he served his internship and internal medicine residency at the Methodist Hospitals of Memphis. In addition, Dr. Daniel received board certification in internal medicine from the American Board of Internal Medicine. He remains an active member of the American College of Physicians, the National Association of Long-Term Care Hospitals, the American Association of Health Information Managers, and the Age Management Medical Group. Prior to his current endeavors, Dr. Daniel worked for 4 years as the Chief Financial Officer at ATMDS, which provides onshore and offshore coding solutions for hospitals and emergency rooms. For more information about Dr. C. B. Daniel, please visit https://www.findatopdoc.com/doctor/2445114-Chalmers-Daniel-internist-Memphis-TN-38125.
FindaTopDoc Profile: C.B. Daniel MD
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